It was 3x3k on a flat course (men and women skied the same distance). There was a couple steep pitches, but it was easily double pole-able. I wanted to use kick wax so I could work on classic technique, and I felt it was a bit of a risk to my back to double pole the whole way. Dan R. and Dave Nighbor double poled the whole way and ended up 30sec ahead on everybody else.
I started mid pack and Eric DeNys gave me a split "leader by 5" after one lap and "leader by 9" after two laps. This was encouraging since I knew George, Haakon and Nishikawa started ahead of me. Towards the end of the race, Dan caught me for 1 minute and Crooks for 30 sec and I wasn't able to accelerate into the finish. It seems I lost time to most others in the last bit of the race, and, if the splits were right, I gave 29sec to George in the last lap. I probably skied a bit too aggressively on the first lap.
The team of Dan M. and Ray gave us good skis both days. I used new orange Rossignol skis both days and they performed well, and I also managed to avoid hitting any rocks.